We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming to Bring You This Message -

My precious family and friends -

I have been blown away by your prayers, love, and support.  This journey was entirely unexpected, and I have needed every ounce of love that each of you have so graciously given to me.  You all are God’s gift of love and care from Him to me to carry me through this hard road.  I don’t know how people do any of these things without being carried along by the Lord Jesus and by the prayers of loved ones when you yourself are too unwell to pray and read Scripture for yourself.  I have so many thank you notes to write, but I’m not sure when I will feel well enough to write them.  If you don’t get a note from me, please know that your love and kindness have not gone unnoticed.  Every visit, card, flower arrangement, fan, tea, stuffed animal, ice chip feeding, facial regimen, hair washing, hair braiding, cozy socks, cozy robe, slippers, chapstick, blanket, throat spray, and more have lifted me moment by moment to fight forward.  Thank you all so very much.

I didn’t see this coming by any means.  I was healthy, walking 45 minutes plus a few times a week, with no other symptoms up until Monday 12/4.  The abdominal pain came out of nowhere.  Around 5:45 pm I called the nurse hotline to ask about my symptoms.  The nurse told me to go to the ER.  I’m not sure what might have happened if I hadn’t called that nurse hotline.

I saw no less than 8 doctors who all asked me the same questions about symptoms leading up to this.  There were none.  This is a reminder that our life is truly not under our own control.  None of us have the power to control what does or doesn’t happen to us.  It is all in God’s hands and sovereignty.  The verse that has come to mind has been that “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” Acts 14:22.  He has not promised anyone an easy life on the road to eternity.  I am grateful that God granted me the courage to go through the surgery after some lengthy discussions.  One of my doctors prayed with me and Trevor after the surgeon recommended surgery.  The kindness of all the doctors and nurses has brought me to tears a few times.  For a perfect stranger to treat you with such love and kindness means the world when you are in pain.  Their kindness has also carried me.  “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” James 1:17.

I am grateful that the surgery was successful.  I guarantee you the mass they removed was a bunch of Cadbury chocolate snow balls (the equivalent of those Cadbury mini eggs you see at Easter).  I love those things.  I think I downed a bag in two or three days.

I’d like to forget a lot of what has happened until I’m feeling better and ready to process it all.

Please pray for:

Success eating more solid foods

Relief from abdominal discomfort

Deep, restful sleep

Restoration of peace from the Lord Jesus

Increased strength to walk more

Relief for my dry throat that makes me cough

Healing of all that was harming my body

In the middle of this entry the doctor stopped by to confirm that what was removed was stage 2 (upgraded from stage 1) colon cancer.  It is a gift and blessing from God above that this was discovered so early.  I just want to feel better already, go for walks, meet with friends, and attend church and Bible studies.  I’ve learned a lot through this and will continue to learn whatever God wants me to.

I will be on a very strict diet once I get to go home to ensure I eat foods that my digestive system is ready to process.

A little sparrow visited my fifth floor window yesterday, and he made another appearance just now.  He blessed me to recall this hymn:

Why should I feel discouraged,

Why should the shadows come,

Why should my heart be lonely,

And long for heaven and home;

When Jesus is my portion?

My constant Friend is He;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,

I sing because I’m free;

For His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me.

Let not your heart be troubled,

His tender word I hear,

And resting on His goodness,

I lose my doubts and fears;

Though by the path He leadeth,

But one step I may see;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted,

Whenever clouds arise;

When songs give place to sighing,

When hope within me dies,

I draw the closer to Him,

From care He sets me free;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me;

His eye is on the sparrow,

And I know He watches me.

God bless each and every one of you.  I love you deeply and hope you know the power of God’s love in Christ Jesus.  I miss you all so much.  Thank you for being my family and friends.  I am overwhelmingly blessed to know each of you.

Laura Dart



  1. We are praying for you, Laura. If there is anything we can help with, let us know. Anything. Love you guys.


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