Hey Remember us?

We went to The Huntington’s Tea Room for Valentine’s Day.

It has been almost four months to the day that Laura entered the hospital. Enough time has gone by that Laura's scars have started to fade a little, which I'm sure she understandably likes, but I don't. 

To me, the scars are an Ebenezer or reminder of the faithfulness of our King. That moment in our life is something that I don't want to forget. Yes, it was scary but I am so thankful the way God was glorified during those handful of weeks. Seeing how the church rallied around Laura and dedicated themselves to intercessory prayer was humbling to see. We got to witness God's sovereign hand at work by having us at the right place at the right time and had us in front of the right people at the right time. 

The scars remind me of when I had never felt more love for my wife than I had ever felt before. The Lord used that time to show me how valuable she is. He showed me how much he loves her and how important it is to be faithful to the commands he has given every husband, which is to be a godly leader and to be loving. 

As for the update, we were sent to USC's oncology department to get a second opinion on Laura's treatment. We were both extremely blessed to hear that after looking at all of Laura's medical records they agreed with the oncology department at St. Jude. They do not see a need to do any chemo. Which is a gigantic answer to prayer. The oncologist (who was super nice btw) explained to us the level of Laura's stage two cancer. Apparently Laura's cancer was on the good side of stage two. He stated that there is a very low chance of the cancer coming back (5-12%) and that chemo would not be beneficial to bringing that number down more than 1 or 2 percent. Because Laura has a family history of cancer, he is suspicious that this is likely genetic. He cannot prove this, but he noticed patterns in her family that are suspicious.

So, going further, Laura will have to get blood work done every three months for the next three years and after that it will taper off in the next 5-7 years. She will have yearly pet scans and other procedures to monitor her. It seems like a long time, but im thankful for the aggressive approach they are taking to keep an eye on her.

Again, thank you all for praying us through this. Thank you all so much for showing all the love to Laura that you did and continue to do. We are so grateful for every one of you.

May the Lord Jesus be glorified.


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