Praise & Prayers

Hi everyone,

I hope your summer has been enjoyable so far!

I recently received some test results back for cancer monitoring, and they are all reasons to praise the Lord Jesus Christ: my CEA marker has remained within the normal range, and my in depth Signatera blood test came back negative for any trace of cancer!  I still need to complete a CT scan to further confirm these results, but this is a solid start.  Please join me in thanking and praising God for His grace over me!  I know there are many who do not receive this type of news, including my friend Sarah's father who has been undergoing chemo and radiation for many months.  I deserve hell for my sins, and yet in Christ I am blessed with so much good news.  The gospel itself is good news.  I'd like to thank my precious Maria for reminding me that the gospel is all the good news I need in this life: that Jesus came, lived a life of perfect obedience to God, resulting in His death on the cross to pay for the sins of humanity, and rose again to life three days later.  He now lives in heaven above to continually intercede on behalf of those who believe in Him and turn from their sins.  He has faithfully seen me through so much over the past 7 months.  I am tired, and I am weak, but I'm thankful that my strength doesn't come from me.

In terms of prayer requests, my recent bloodwork showed that my liver has been in overdrive, most likely due to all the Tylenol and ibuprofen I took after surgery on my arm.  I had continually been taking ibuprofen as needed to help with the pain from physical therapy.  I've tried to scale back on the ibuprofen significantly since discovering it was impacting my liver bloodwork.

My physical therapy is going great in terms of the function of my fingers and wrist; however, my forearm is struggling to rotate to where I can turn my palm upwards as if I was holding a tray in front of me.  This motion has been the most difficult since I first started physical therapy and continues to give me significant trouble.  I have yet to make a full, normal rotation, and the exercises to get it to that point have been painful.  I'm wearing a brace three times a day for 20 minutes each time.  I have other exercises to do as well.  This has been incredibly discouraging to put so much work in with minimal results.  I'm concerned that I won't be able to get this motion back.

In summary I would truly appreciate your prayers for these concerns:

  • That the near full rotation of my arm would be restored by God's grace
  • That my muscles in my arm would loosen to ease the discomfort I'm experiencing
  • That any stiff tendons/ligaments and tight joints would loosen to enable my right arm to function as normal
  • That my CT scan would come back free from any mass
  • That my liver bloodwork would return to the normal range
  • That my friend Sarah's father would recover from his chemo treatment that has left him unresponsive and in unstable condition (he is currently in the hospital and could use your prayers!)

Thank you for continually reading these updates and praying.  I have been so blessed by the love and prayers poured out from each of you.  Your love and support continually lifted my burden as I recovered from my cancer surgery.  I am grateful for your faithful friendship.

God bless you precious friends!





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