It’s been awhile

Hello dear friends. I have not updated for a long time. To me though, no news has been good news. 

However, we have gotten some great news recently from the oncologist. We had asked you all to pray for Laura’s CEA numbers. As a reminder, a CEA number represents tumor markers which are substances that are made by cancer cells, or the cells response to cancer. A normal number is 2.5 and when Laura was tested before her surgery she was at a 65. After surgery she dropped to 51. Not to long ago, at Laura’s first oncology appointment we were told that her number had dropped to 8! This is a huge answer to prayer as it shows a trend in her body for these markers to normalize. 

We are waiting to hear back from her genetic testing. This will have a large impact on her future care. Depending on the results of this test will decide on whether or not she will go through chemotherapy. We are obviously praying that she will not have to go through that. But we will trust in the Lord no matter the direction that he has chosen for us. 

I’d like to personally thank you all for your prayers through this journey. Today at Bill’s memorial, so many people approached me testifying of the time they have spent praying for Laura, which made me so thankful to have so many dear friends willing to petition our lord and Savior for Laura and I. 

Please continue to pray for Laura as she is having a rough go with anemia. She’s been trying to start getting back to normal but when she spends too much time on her feet she becomes faint. We are planning on talking to her oncologist to have an Iron drip set up for her. She can’t take iron pills right now because of the risk of constipation. Apparently the drip doesn’t have these issues. 

We’ve also been able to share the gospel with a good amount of people through all of this. Please pray that the Lord would grant them salvation and faith. It would be such a blessing if through her cancer treatment/surgery more were added to the kingdom. 

I was recently reading a note that Dr. Jack Hughes had out in Logos and I thought it was a very fitting encouragement. Especially the last paragraph.

The Lord with "a mighty hand and outstretched arm" delivered the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt (Deut. 4:34; 5:15; 7:19; 11:2; 26:8). They saw the ten plagues. They plundered the Egyptians. They were protected by the pillar of cloud and fire. They crossed through the Red Sea. They saw the miracles of God and yet, were unbelieving and disobedient (Heb. 3:16-19). We see all the miracles of God in the pages of His Word and also have seen Him work in our own lives in amazing ways. We, even more than the Israelites of the exodus are without excuse.

The Israelites were not very happy about having to leave their homes in Egypt. They didn't like to be harshly treated by their Egyptian task masters, but they liked the stability of living in the land of Goshen. After the exodus, they were tested by the Lord (See Deut. 8:1-3) and met with fearful situations. Sadly, they often resorted to grumbling and complaining in unbelief (See Ex. 14:10-12; 15:24; 16:7-9, 12; 17:3; Numb. 11:1-6; 14:1-4; 16:11, 41; 17:10; 20:2-5; 21:5; Ps. 78:17-19; I Cor. 10:10). Instead they should have prayed to and trusted in the Lord. They should have reminded themselves of the Lord's precious and magnificent promises, sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness (Ps. 46:1-3; Hab. 3:16-19). Sadly, we are often just like them! May we learn to say with Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" (Job 13:15). The Lord's ways are perfect. We can trust Him. (Deut. 32:4; II Sam. 22:31; Ps.18:30-31; Eccl. 2:14).

The true test of spiritual maturity is not what you believe in times of health, ease, and pleasure, but how you respond when it seems like circumstances are hopeless and you can't see any way out. The spiritually mature saint will still trust in the Lord and say, "It is the Lord, let him do what seems good to Him" (I Sam. 3:18; see also Mt. 6:25-34; Phil. 2:14).

I pray that this update finds you all well. 

In his service, 



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