Small Victories

I’ve been sitting at this IPad for the last 15 minutes trying to figure out how I want to start this update. I have that thousand mile stare you get after having gone through something. Pff. I’m not even the one who has gone through the actual physical trauma that Laura has. I’ve been trying to make sure Laura has been getting out her emotions and how she has been feeling about this week. I don’t want her bottling up any thing she has gone through. While I have no basis for feeling this way, It just seems really unhealthy to go through something this traumatic and not communicate your experience and feel like you are alone in your head. 

We’ve been reading different parts of scripture and a book called “A body of divinity” by Thomas Watson.  We discuss what I read out loud and we then fellowship over the scripture and how it pertains to what she is going through. Last night it we read John 17 and James 1. We discussed the high kingly prayer and trails in James 1. While James 1 seems a bit on the nose, we talked about these trials through the lens of the blessed assurance that we have in our salvation that is find in John 17. 

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trail for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him”(James 1:12). The theological Adam bomb that verse is in light of John 17 is kind of mind boggling. 

After we spent time fellowshipping last night I read “Pillars of Grace” by Steven Lawson to get Laura to fall asleep. It is a book I read as extra credit in a historical theology class that I just got done with. I don’t understand why she isn’t on the edge of her seat hearing about the young life of William Tyndale. However, she doesn’t know that she is in for a treat. The story of William Tyndale sadly isnt really known and the world is in debt for what he did in his part of the reformation in England. 
Society owes him a debt of gratitude for his translation also.. If you aren’t familiar with it i would recommend watching THIS mini documentary done by the BBC. It is about how he translated the Bible into English. Honestly, you should watch it if you don't know the history, it will make you thankful to him (and the lord) that you have at least 6 bibles in your house. 

I digress… 

Last night Laura and I were able to get some sleep for the first time in what has felt like weeks. We went to bed a little after (i think) 1030 but had to wake up around 3 for maintenance and go for her first walk. She was supposed to walk in the evening last night, but she was just too tired. So the nurses got her up and we went for a stroll around our hospital wing. She was exhausted when we got back and we ended up sleeping for a while longer.

I’m not sure what time she woke up, but I woke up her getting her breakfast ready to eat but she started to feel nauseous which wasn’t the greatest sign. 

I happened to be on the phone when the assistant surgeon who worked on Laura made a visit and I caught him on the way out of our room.  We talked about how he didn’t like that she hadn’t  made a bowel movement yet. So he put her back on a “ no liquid/ no solid” diet until she stopped feeling nauseous and made some boom-booms. 

However, as I got back in the room to update the Moms on what was going on, she told me she had to go #2. I informed the nurse and we are tentative about this development. While this is the first major step of recovery, we have to be conservative in our joy because it could just be water. You can think of it similarly to a motorcycle rider making his way through traffic down the 91…… 

As of right now she is asleep. Which is good, because she hasn’t had much of that lately. She took some nausea medicine and is feeing good on the pain side of things. 

The plan for today is more walking and sitting up. We want to get her moving to help her colon start firing up more. The surgeon says that for some people it takes a little longer. Pray that this isn’t the case. We will also try to get her some more rest. 

Prayer requests: pray for her organs, strength and energy, continued joy 

Love ya guys

P.S., Incase you were wondering the large hump on Laura is a pillow she holds around her belly for support. :)


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