

We had a bit of a rough first night tonight. When Laura was brought out of surgery to post-op, there was some type of hesitation from the nurse who was attending Laura which caused her to not give her pain medication in time. 

What happened was that when I was called to be notified that Laura was in post-op I had asked to come back into that section of the hospital. They don’t normally allow people back there but I pressed the nurse stating that Laura really wanted me to be there when she woke up. 

Well. She agreed but Laura had already begun to come out of anesthesia and was trying to communicate how much pain she was in but the nurse wasn't confident in what she was being told, so she must have held back Laura’s medication. While I was there I could tell that Laura was in a lot of pain, so I started to make demands that she give Laura the pain medication that she needed. She hesitated more but I pressed on, to which she finally agreed to give her a small dosage and allow the nurse we were on deal with it. 

Due to this error, there was a gap in her pain management and Laura ended up at a level 10 pain level by the time she got in our room. She was beside herself naturally. 

We gave her a different type of medicine to no avail, but eventually switched back to what was originally prescribed just at a higher dosage. That took the edge off until two hours later when Laura was given the second round which finally got her to a place of comfort where she was able to doze off.

I’m thankful for the nurse that is in charge of Laura tonight. She really was quick on her feet and got Laura where she needed to be. 

It’s 1 am. Lord willing Laura will sleep though the night, she desperately needs it.

Prayer requests: pain management, quick healing, wisdom for doctors, blessings for our nurse.



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