Just when you thought you were done praying for this woman, she goes and throws herself off a bike to make sure she is on the top of your prayer list. I can hear you saying, "What in the world happened?" after seeing this picture. So, I'll tell you. Sometimes Laura and I go on bike rides during our lunch breaks. We were on our way home on Friday when Laura lost control of her bike, causing her to crash into me and we both hit the pavement! Sadly, Laura got crushed under her bike, my bike, and me... (ouch). When I got up, it was quickly apparent that her arm was broken and we needed to get her to the hospital. Thankfully, a man named Jason Wakefield (a local electrician) stopped right after our accident and helped us get to the ER. He was kind enough to put our bikes in the back of his truck and drive us to St. Jude. During our ER visit, we found out that her right forearm is broken in two places and her left elbow has a fracture. We will be going to the orthopedic surge...
It has been almost four months to the day that Laura entered the hospital. Enough time has gone by that Laura's scars have started to fade a little, which I'm sure she understandably likes, but I don't. To me, the scars are an Ebenezer or reminder of the faithfulness of our King. That moment in our life is something that I don't want to forget. Yes, it was scary but I am so thankful the way God was glorified during those handful of weeks. Seeing how the church rallied around Laura and dedicated themselves to intercessory prayer was humbling to see. We got to witness God's sovereign hand at work by having us at the right place at the right time and had us in front of the right people at the right time. The scars remind me of when I had never felt more love for my wife than I had ever felt before. The Lord used that time to show me how valuable she is. He showed me how much he loves her and how important it is to be faithful to the commands he has given every husban...
Hi everyone, I hope your summer has been enjoyable so far! I recently received some test results back for cancer monitoring, and they are all reasons to praise the Lord Jesus Christ: my CEA marker has remained within the normal range, and my in depth Signatera blood test came back negative for any trace of cancer! I still need to complete a CT scan to further confirm these results, but this is a solid start. Please join me in thanking and praising God for His grace over me! I know there are many who do not receive this type of news, including my friend Sarah's father who has been undergoing chemo and radiation for many months. I deserve hell for my sins, and yet in Christ I am blessed with so much good news. The gospel itself is good news. I'd like to thank my precious Maria for reminding me that the gospel is all the good news I need in this life: that Jesus came, lived a life of perfect obedience to God, resulting in His death on the cross to pay fo...
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