Home - From Laura

Hi friends & family!

I am home!  I’m so grateful to be home.  I missed my kitties.  They put a smile on my face.  I took a slow 15 minute walk outside this morning, and it felt so good even though I only had enough energy for 15 minutes.  I love being outside.  It was nice and cool.  I loved seeing the sunshine.  After my walk I sat outside on my little patio chair and talked with a neighbor for a while.  I finally started getting some good rest yesterday.  If anyone would like to visit I would love to see you.  Trevor will resume work on Monday.  His company has been so gracious and understanding throughout all of this.  Thank you so much Summerset for giving him the time to care for me in my deep need.  Thankfully he will be working from home, but I’m sure he’d appreciate a babysitter for a little reassurance for an hour here or there.  I’m getting more independent, well, slightly.  Praise God I am finally starting to feel a bit better.  My sister washed my hair yesterday, which was such a relief.  Thank you all so much for your prayers.  Your prayers and the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus are the only way I made it through this.  I still have a journey yet to go, but I have hope.  The love and care I have received from all of you is strengthening me.  God has used each of you to take such amazing care of me.  I have been absolutely spoiled throughout this journey.  God gave me what I needed exactly when I needed it.  There were some rough spots, but He never left me alone.  He always sent me a saint or two to help me through: Trevor & Michelle when my pain was unbearable, and Liz when the tube was unbearable.  They all stayed up with me throughout the night to comfort me in any way they could.  I was never alone.  The service they gave to me in those hours brings me to tears.  I would never want to ask that of anyone, but I am so grateful to God for them.  Thank you for your kindness.  I thank God for His grace.  He has carried me through this entire ordeal even though I couldn’t open up the Bible to read and hardly had my wits about me to pray much.  Listening to my audio Bible brought so much comfort when I wasn’t feeling well.  I am determined to get better so that I can go outside for more walks, to visit parks and friends, and go to church.  Each of you have been so amazing to love and care for me, each in your own unique ways.  Every little thing lightened my load and contributed to my recovery.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you for watering my plants, bringing food, picking up supplies, and so much more.  May God bless you all abundantly in return.

Please pray for:

~ my discomfort to subside

~ my strength and endurance for walking to grow

~ Trevor to get some rest

~ my right arm to unlock so I can extend it fully (the IV left it tight and stiff in a bent position)

~ the tumor marker levels in my body to decrease

~ complete remission

~ restored peace and joy and deeper gratitude to be alive

“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord”  Psalm 27:13-14.

Love you all so much.

Laura Dart



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