2 Thessalonians 2:15-17
Laura slept well last night. So that is an answer to prayer. She wont be able to uninterrupted sleep until we get home but were at least glad that she finally slept.
This morning we found that I could wheel her out to a garden they have on the fourth floor. It was the first time she has been outside Monday night. I was so thankful to take her outside. It was apparent she needed some respite from being inside the hospital. I think maybe we will have dinner down there tonight.
Today we are going to meeting with her surgeon again for a checkup. If anyone has tips on what I should be asking her, please feel free to text me. This has been a steep learning curve.
Do not let your way to your prayer closet be untrod. He that holds his acquaintance in heaven by being often with God, will be the most likely to prevail with God in the most pressing and difficult cases.” Richard Alleine (1611-1681), Directions for Grace
Prayer is reducing the mysteries of godliness into practice. Daniel Burgess, Directions for Daily Holy Living
Continuing to pray Trevor, thank you for the updates