
Showing posts from July, 2024

Praise & Prayers

Hi everyone, I hope your summer has been enjoyable so far! I recently received some test results back for cancer monitoring, and they are all reasons to praise the Lord Jesus Christ: my CEA marker has remained within the normal range, and my in depth Signatera blood test came back negative for any trace of cancer!  I still need to complete a CT scan to further confirm these results, but this is a solid start.  Please join me in thanking and praising God for His grace over me!  I know there are many who do not receive this type of news, including my friend Sarah's father who has been undergoing chemo and radiation for many months.  I deserve hell for my sins, and yet in Christ I am blessed with so much good news.  The gospel itself is good news.  I'd like to thank my precious Maria for reminding me that the gospel is all the good news I need in this life: that Jesus came, lived a life of perfect obedience to God, resulting in His death on the cross to pay for the sins of humanit